AlwaysONline serves two extremely useful purposes. First, it permits you to dial each America On-Line® number up to 999 times (versus 5 without it).
And, when you are online, it can keep you there, by continually hitting “OK” to dialogs asking if you would like to stay online.
AlwaysONline only works with America Online 2.7 or higher, although you should probably use version 3.0 (or higher). AOL 3.0 is a free upgrade, available from KEYWORD: UPGRADE.
To start using AlwaysONline, drag it (just the AlwaysONline control panel, not the entire folder) into your Control Panels folder of your System Folder, and double click to open it. Choose your current America Online Locality file (located in the Online Files folder, of the America Online folder), by clicking on the Select Locality... button In most cases, this file is called "Home." You can also change the amount of times that America Online should dial. Also, you may modify the “Keep me signed on” feature. When you’ve selected all your preferences, restart your computer. Complete instructions are available in the AlwaysONline control panel, by clicking the "Info..." button, and are also available in a file called "AlwaysONline Docs..."
AlwaysONline is shareware, $12. Please see the control panel (or the Register AlwaysONline application) for more information, in order to send your registration to Kagi Shareware.
Or, you can register online from the secure site:
or, the regular site:
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